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External Return Code(FEBEP-KKREF) from Bank Statement is not transferred through FPB7

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Everyone,

We are implementing import of CAMT.053 Bank Statement for incoming payment.

1) We did successfully XSLT Transformation and imported the data into FI Tables.

2) External Return Code FEBEP-KKREF was also stored in the table from the file.

3) When I read the Bank statement data, and create Return Lot through FPB7 transaction, Return Lot is created but the Return Code is lost somewhere though we have correctly configured the mapping of external codes from Bank to internal codes.

4) We debugged the Programm RFKKKA00, and found that in Include RFKIKA13 the House Bank code "p_bfkkrp_rlhbk" is always set as '0'.(See the attachment)

5) Due to this, System always try to look for a mapping of external reason code '0' instead of the return code 'AC01' in the statement and predictably it doesnt find anything.

I think setting the value '0' for House Bank return code is Wrong. Instead it should be mapped to "p_fkkbep-kkref".

Did this problem occur to you as well? Is there a solution for it? I dont see any SAP Note for this also.

Appreciate your suggestions.




0 Kudos

Hi Prashant,

A user exit 0963(or FQEvent 963) has been provided to modify p_bfkkrp. You can map your reason code in the user exit.

See line number 642.

PERFORM exit_0963
TABLES      pt_fkkbre

USING        p_febko  p_fkkbep  p_bfkkrk

CHANGING p_bfkkrp.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Prashant,

SAP has already give some standard FM for specific countries, for event 0963, where in they have changed the return code in the BFKKRP structure.

FKK_SPAIN_CSB_0963 for Spain

FKK_SAMPLE_0963_BR for Brazil

FKK_RETURN_REASON_ASR_XML_0963 for Switzerland.

You can take reference from these FM's to build your own FM.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Amlan, Hello Ritesh,

Thanks for the suggestions.

True, that a Custom Development in 963 event can be done for it.

But shouldn't SAP assign the external Reason Code(FEBEP-KKREF) from Bank Statement to Reason Code from House Bank(BFKKRP-RLHBK) automatically? rather than setting it to '0' and forcing every client to do a Custom development?

Like they have released SAP Notes to transfer IBAN & SWIFT Code from Bank Statement.

  p_bfkkrp-iban  = p_fkkbep-piban.      " Note 1481352

   p_bfkkrp-swift = p_fkkbep-paswi.      " Note 1871592

Isn't that a Product Defect which should be fixed by SAP?

Let me know your thoughts.



0 Kudos

Hi Prashant,

I would rather consider it as a product flexibility rather than a product defect.

Different bank statements at times can have the return reason concatenated with other values (special characters), and there may not be any standardized approach to segregate them.

Morover,there are business scenarios, where in Clients wants to treat two sets of customers,say residential and commercial differently based on the same bank return reason.

So in these scenarios, you have to first check the customer type and then assign the return reason accordingly.

So for these cases,event 0963 will be quite beneficial.

