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EDM Settlement Procedure

0 Kudos


We have copied the standard settlement procedure EXTANALYT (Enhanced Analytical Settlement Procedure) into a custom procedure ZEXANALYT and tried executing a settlement document. But we are getting the error message that input parameter PrInpLoad is missing.

Please see the below screenshot.

We didn’t make any changes and the parameter PrInpLoad (Energy Feeding Curve) is allocated to the settlement procedure.

Thanks and Regards

MP Vashishth


0 Kudos


We have made a copy settlement procedure ZEXTANALYT from the standard template EXTANALYT (Enhanced Analytical Settlement Procedure). When we are executing the settlement run for this procedure, we are getting the error message (EEDMSET453) that the ‘Template profile is not defined for result parameter PrLoadSup01’. But for the parameter ‘PrLoadSup01’, we have specified the profile 10000006 as a reference profile.

Please see the below screenshots.

With Best Regards

MP Vashishth

0 Kudos

You'll have to define your template profiles for interim and output parameters in EEDM_SETTLPROFILE.

Also I wonder why you've defined both role and profile in the parameter definition. Since your parameter is specific for each settlement unit i would expect a role, not a specific profile since this will be different per settlement unit.

0 Kudos

Thanks a lot Erik for your suggestion. We have defined the template profiles for interim and output parameters in EEDM_SETTLEPROFILE and right now we not getting that particular error message.

But while doing settlement we are getting the following message during the execution of settlement step FASUPGRP01:

Input parameter PrLoadSupGrp01s (type Profile) is missing (EEDMSET407)

I have checked the parameters in configuration and found that parameter 'PrLoadSupGrp01s' is an interim result parameter and not an input parameter as mentioned in the above error message. Please suggest what should be the way forward.

Thanks & Regards,

0 Kudos

You are looking at the definition of the settlement procedure (input, interim, output), however the error message is referring to the settlement step. Therefore you should look at the parameters of the step, not the procedure.

See FASUPGRP01 - Settlement - SAP Library

Settlement step FASUPGRP01 requires parameter PrLoadSupGrp01s as an input. For this you would settlement step SUMRES07SU to be executed before, this has PrLoadSupGrp01s as an exporting parameter.

So make sure, check the run log of the settlement document, that step SUMRES07SU is succesful in order to have input for the step FASUPGRP01.

0 Kudos

Thanks a lot Erik.

Yes you right the input parameter PrLoadSupGrp01 was not determined and as a result the step FASUPGRP01 got terminated. This is because the earlier step SUMRES07SU could not calculate the export parameter PrLoadSupGrp01s. Actually the settlement we are running doesn't have any customer with non-interval meters.

Please guide us on how to go ahead in this case.



0 Kudos

Hi Erik,

Need your help. Can you please guide me on how to allocate settlement parameters to the point of delivery (of the settlement unit)?



0 Kudos

If you just use the role in the parameters of the settlement procedure, your first screenshot, it should be fine. If you put in a profile there it will use that specific profile, but since you are talking about settlement units you want to use a role. The system will then identify the correct profile for each settleement unit by it's role.

0 Kudos

Thanks Erik - we have already removed the profile from the settlement procedure definition as per your suggestion last time and have defined the template profiles for interim and output parameters in EEDM_SETTLEPROFILE.

Actually the SAP documentation says "the profile parameters must be allocated to the point of delivery of the settlement unit, grid or of the selection variant and the usage type determines to which of these three options the role and parameters are allocated". Should the parameters be allocated through the 'Role' and the 'Context Category for Profile Allocation Role Context' (as in the above screenshot)? Please confirm. Is the 'Context Category' the same as 'Usage Type'?

Also, how to allocate profile parameters to the PoD (of the settlement unit) ?

The other issue we are currently facing is the input parameter PrLoadSupGrp01 was not determined and as a result the step FASUPGRP01 got terminated. This is because the earlier step SUMRES07SU could not calculate the export parameter PrLoadSupGrp01s. How can we ensure that the input parameter PrLoadSupGrp01 gets determined?



0 Kudos

Parameters are determined through role (or profile) and context category. Context category is optional, i never used it explicity. It is an additonal criteria to determine the correct profile as a parameter.

The settlement unit will be a technical PoD with registers allocated to it. At the registers you can allocate your profiles in the role such that it is determined through the parameter. Also see

As for PrLoadSupGrp01 determination, check your run log and go step by step.

Was settlement step ASSIGNPOD executed succesfully?

The selection of point of delivery for interval customers and non-interval customers is based on the role definition and the selection types for the settlement procedure.

0 Kudos

Thanks for your response Erik.

Yes - the steps STACHECK1 and ASSIGNPOD completed successfully.

1) The step SUMINTSU gets a warning message that 'No Load Profile is selected for the date range given'

2) The step SUMRES07SU gets a warning message that 'Result parameter PrLoadSupGrp01s (type Profile) not calculated'

3) The step FASUPGRP01 gets terminated because the earlier step could not determine the parameter 'PrLoadSupGrp01'

Please see the above screenshot of the error log.

