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Student Accounting - Contract Accounts

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

When a student is created , the contract account should be created automatically as per the information in IMG .

Another report is also there to update the contract account .

My query is...

1) Contract account will be created automatically when the student is created ? OR It should be created using the node --->Update Student Contract Account .

2) When the contract account is created manually using student master data , it pops up with "Default Company code not found ?" Though Standard Company Code Group is maintained in customizing and respective Organizational unit under Account Assignement Infotype.

So , how can I rectify this message , how automatically student contract account can be created ?

Do elaborate on this Contract Accounts .




Active Contributor
0 Kudos


The simplest thing for you to do is to verify all of your Contract Accounting settings with the following IMG Path:

SLCM --> Master Data in SLCM --> Student Contract Accounts --> Check Contract Account Settings

For the automatic creation, make sure you have configured :

SLCM --> Master Data in SLCM --> Student Contract Accounts --> (De)Activate Automatic Student Account Creation

Set the value there to 'X'.


View solution in original post


Active Contributor
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The simplest thing for you to do is to verify all of your Contract Accounting settings with the following IMG Path:

SLCM --> Master Data in SLCM --> Student Contract Accounts --> Check Contract Account Settings

For the automatic creation, make sure you have configured :

SLCM --> Master Data in SLCM --> Student Contract Accounts --> (De)Activate Automatic Student Account Creation

Set the value there to 'X'.


0 Kudos

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the reply !

I have done everything before as whatever you have specified and set all this but still contract account is not created automatically .

While checking the contract accounts settings -

> All the messages are green except the "No default company code not found" which is an error message . While going with the help of Long text ---> it doesnt give a proper explanation how to rectify the error like other messages in the performance assistant .

There is no clue how to rectify . Is there any problem with the automatic creation and whenever the student data is changed "It comes with the information message === default company code not found" . As I mentioned the company code is maintained with the Organizational unit and not the cost center .



0 Kudos

Obviously that one 'non-green' message is your problem!

Check that you actually assigned a default company code for the contract account creation, and not just a default company code group. The customizing task sets the GROUP. DId you actually assign a company code to that company code group?

Double-check your 'HIORG' in PP01. Do you have a company code assigned to it in 'Account Assignments'?

Without being in your system, there is little else I can suggest. There is no problem we know of with the automatic creation and update of contract accounts from students.


0 Kudos

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the reply . The problem was DP procedure was not maintained and when student data is created , it goes for remote login for creation of contract account . Can we avoid this step ?

The problem is almost resolved but yet having problem of remote login while creating the student master data .



0 Kudos

You do need that RFC destination/user. It is for security purposes. Not all users who create user records should have the authorizations to maintain contract accounting data. Therefore, you need an RFC user who has the authority to do so.


0 Kudos

Hi Michael,

Sorry , if I go wrong . I agree that authorization is required to create the contract account data .

Once the user login to R3 system , it is predefined he/ she can use the transaction for creating the contract account . By doing so the authorization is defined and it may not require for the enduser to login again for the purpose of creating contract account automatically when the student master data is created .



0 Kudos


I believe you misunderstood me. You should never be asked for an additional login credential to create the contract account. That is what is done automatically via the RFC destination. Please re-read the Base IMG Configuration guide, around section 1.21.

Let me summarize:

- User 'A' is a regular dialog user who needs to create a student. This user does not have the authority to maintain Contract Objects. He only has the authority to maintain students.

- If User 'A' just tries to create a student, the contract account will not get created, due to lack of authorization.

- The solution is NOT to give all users authority over Contract Accounting! The solution is to set up a specific RFC Destination for the creation of Contract Accounts.

- The RFC Destination is assigned a default login/password (User 'B'), which has the role 'SAP_CM_ACCOUNT_DATA_UPDATE' assigned to it (as user type 'C').

- Now, when User 'A' creates a student, the system uses the RFC Destination and user 'B' to create the contract account successfully.

So, if I read you last post correctly, you are getting a user login pop-up when you try to create the student. This is almost certainly because you don't have a valid RFC User assigned to the RFC destination you defined for creating Contract Accounts. It doesn't matter what your 'dialog' user can do in this case. The Contract Account is created asynchronously via the RFC destination and the RFC user.

I hope this is all clear to you now.


0 Kudos

Hi Michael ,

I will check and revert if there are any issues .

Thanks for the help.



0 Kudos

Hi Gajalakshmi,

I'm also facing the same problem while creating Student Data-a pop up box opens and says 'No Deafult Company Code Found'.

What have you done to rectify the error?

I have chacked all the configuration & only this is the point which is not green.

Please Help!



0 Kudos


Check whether you have maintained the entries in

1. Define Top organizational unit in customization . [ Under the node Academic Structure -- > Organizational Structure ].

2 . Check once you have defined the company code in Account assignment under Organization unit .

3 .Check the settings for Contract account once again .

Have a look at the above which might also help you .



0 Kudos


I am not able to find the Student Lifecycle Management Basic Configuration Guide in the Michel Fan link, can any body provide me the link to download it

Thanks in advance,

Syed Hammad Ali

0 Kudos


I am also getting the same error. What is the meaning of DP Procedure here.


Vinod Kumar

0 Kudos

Hi Gajalakshmi,

Can you please tell me what is this DP procedure all about?



0 Kudos

I stuck at error msg. While I want to create a student record or want to create a person in business partner.

Dialogue appears that

1. automatically assign number

2. manually assign number

after clicking on automatic

There Is run time syntax error in abap program SAPLFMCA_BDT_GPART

The result type of functional method cannot be converted into the type of


0 Kudos

Hi Munawar;


I could not find a direct solution for you. If the issue still occurs please create an OSS
message under component IS-HER-CM.


Best regards
