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Web Dispatcher problem...

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This is for BW3.5 on NW04 with UNIX and Oracle.

I have started the webdispatcher successfully and it seems to be working fine. I want to configure it so that I can use a web manager for web dispatcher.

I have created a directory /usr/sap/DEV/SYS/exe/webdisp and ran a bootstrap from this directory.

<b>sapwebdisp -bootstrap</b>. It created sapwebdisp, sapwebdisp.pfl, icmauth.txt, dev_webdisp in the same directory. Later I copied icmadmin.SAR to this directory from kernel exe directory. It has created <b>icm/HTTP/admin_0 = PREFIX=/sap/wdisp/admin,DOCROOT=./admin</b> during a bootstrap process.

Now I have used a SAPCAR -xvf icmadmin.SAR and it has created ./admin directory and copied lot of files into that. It gives you the link also at the end where you can access the web dispatcher on internet explorer. It is explained here as well.

I did exactely the way it is explained in Now when I go to, nothing works. It gives an error that "URL call was terminated because the corresponding service is not available." I think I should get the logon prompt.

Well I have activated some services for web dispatcher in SICF. I do not see any service like wdisp/admin under sap in transaction SICF. The ./admin directory is automatically created when use <b>SAPCAR -xvf icmadmin.SAR</b>. It is created in <b>/usr/sap/DEV/SYS/exe/webdisp</b>, which I created for web dispatcher and ran a bootstrap from this directory

I am very confused here as there is no instruction that I have create anything else.

Your help will be greately appreciated.

Thank you very much.

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Active Contributor
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Hello Sume,

have you taken a look at my Weblog: <a href="/people/gregor.wolf3/blog/2005/11/07/setup-sap-web-dispatcher-with-url-filter-on-suse-linux-90">Setup SAP Web Dispatcher with URL Filter on SuSE Linux 9.0</a>? It should be quite the same with your Unix system.



Former Member
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Have you restarted your WebAS?

Also try to use this URL:


This URL should work.

Regards daniel