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How to bind oData service to a SAPUI5 table when it has $expand parameter

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How to bind oData service to a SAPUI5 table when it uses an OData $expand parameter

<Table id="contactPickerTable" items="{path: 'modelPersons>/ContactSet', filters : [{path : 'Customer',operator : 'EQ',value1:'2035235403'}] parameters : {expand:'Address'}}" > ..... <ObjectIdentifier title="{modelPersons>Title}" text="{modelPersons>PersonId}" /> 

I know the above example of list binding data to a table works. But if there is $expand in my service then how can I display properties of the returned collection in ObjectIdentifier? I mean what will be context path?

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Active Contributor

Here is a sample code for Odata service

<core:View xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.ui.commons"   xmlns:Table="sap.ui.table">

             <Table:Table  rows="{path : 'modelPersons2>/Products'  , parameters:{expand : 'Supplier'} }">




  <Label text="Product ID" />



  <Label text="{modelPersons2>ID}" />







  <Label text="Supplier Name ( Expanded Property)" />



  <Label text="{modelPersons2>Supplier/Name}" />








you can see it working in JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging&lt;/title&gt;  &lt;link rel=&quot;icon&quot; href=&quot;...

Former Member
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Hello Malliik,

Thanks for your response. Am unable to achieve it as you said above {modelPersons2>Supplier/Name}.

Here is my sample response:

<title type="text">PartnerSet('2010002791')</title>
<link href="PartnerSet('2010002791')" rel="self" title="Partner"/>
<link href="PartnerSet('2010002791')/Address" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="Address">
<feed xmlns="" xmlns:d="" >
<title type="text">AddressSet</title>
<link href="PartnerSet('2010002791')/Address" rel="self" title="AddressSet"/>
<title type="text">AddressSet('')</title>
<d:FirstName>DM LABO SARL</d:FirstName>

In this case how can I show 'FirstName' and 'Name'?

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0 Kudos

In your case the cardinality of the expanded entity probably 1:N or 1:M, and so you are getting an feed inside <inline> tag. In my example I am getting only one dependent entity , so I can bind it directly in the table.

If possible, change the cardinality between parent and child entity,  to 1:1 so that you do not get the feed and in that case you will be able to bind easily as I have shared in my example.

Or you bind some control that can hold multiple instances such as a drop down .

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I confirmed with backed developer, it is 1:M and we can not change it to 1:1. I have to show this in Table controller.

Please help me how can I achieve it now.

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So that means for a single parent entity you have multiple Name and First Name ?? It sounds little strange..  Does that mean you really have  a possibility of getting multiple Name and First Name or is the OData service is developed with 1:M , but will always have only one dependent entity ?

If it is really 1:M and the use case is valid, then how do you plan to design the UI ?

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Am not sure as I am new to these technologies.

In a simple words,

* without $expand service gives a list of partners

* with $expand service will gives a list of partners along with their address entity

I can display value of all the properties of partner but I cant display value of any property of address.

0 Kudos

Hi Atanu,

maybe he wanted to achieve the same I'd like to do:

For the 1:M, I was looking to retrieve/select only the first expanded entity, but have no idea if that's possible. ( I can't find an example)

I thought of a binding like that:

<Label text="{modelPersons2>Supplier/Name[0]}" /> 

In my domain, it would refer to a Restaurant and their expanded navigate to multiple Inspections. (1:M)

(I'll need to grab from the first Inspection entity an attribute called "Grade" which is part of the Inspection model)

Not sure, if I rather should re-model my Restaurant entity to include the latest Grade or if there's a way to do this in the front-end?



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Hi All,

I'm able to bind using expand . But only  fields from one entity and facing issue in displaying fields from second entity.

<Table items="{path: '/Category',parameters:{expand:'Supplier/Consumer'} />

<Text text="{supplier/Id}" /> // this way able to display data from expanded entity Supplier.


<Text text="{Supplier/Consumer/Name}" /> // data from Consumer entity are no getting displayed.

Can you please suggest on this?



Message was edited by: Ramana Yellapu

0 Kudos

I had same issue and was able to fix it by binding the table items to the child entity set using navigation name like this:

<Table items="{Consumer}">

I assume Consumer is your navigation name which links the parent with the child

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With reference to above post , in Table ->Items attribute -> Use items="{Items>/0/HeaderItemNP/results/}" . See the bold code in view.

In controller use expand keyword to fetch the items. In  backend expanded_entity_set is being implemented.

Here the navigation property id HeaderItemNP.

Data is coming in an array - Entityset


<mvc:View controllerName="cgiVendorReturn.view.Detail"

  xmlns:f="sap.ui.layout.form" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns:core="sap.ui.core"


  <Page showNavButton="{device>/isPhone}" navButtonPress="onNavBack"

    class="sapUiFioriObjectPage" title="{i18n>detailTitle}">


      <ObjectHeader title="{Items>/0/Mblnr}" tooltip="{i18n>detailArticleDoc}">


          <ObjectAttribute text="{Items>/0/Mjahr}" tooltip="{i18n>detailArticleDocYear}"/>

          <ObjectAttribute text="" />



      <IconTabBar select="" id="idIconTabBar">


          <IconTabFilter key="category"

            text="{i18n>detailIconTabFilterCategory}" icon="sap-icon://hint">


              <f:SimpleForm id="SimpleFormDisplay3541" minWidth="1024"

                maxContainerCols="2" editable="false" layout="ResponsiveGridLayout"

                title="" labelSpanL="3" labelSpanM="3" emptySpanL="4"

                emptySpanM="4" columnsL="1" columnsM="1">


                  <Label text="{i18n>detailPostingDate}" />




                      formatter:'cgiVendorReturn.util.Formatter.dateFormat'}" />

                  <Label text="{i18n>detailDocumentDate}" />




                      formatter:'cgiVendorReturn.util.Formatter.dateFormat'}" />

                  <Label text="{i18n>detailReferenceDoc}" />

                  <Text text="{Items>/0/Xblnr}" />

                  <Label text="{i18n>detailDocHeaderText}" />

                  <Text text="{Items>/0/Bktxt}" />





          <IconTabFilter key="supplier"

            text="{i18n>detailIconTabFilterSupplier}" icon="sap-icon://supplier">


              <f:SimpleForm id="SimpleFormDisplay354" minWidth="1024"

                maxContainerCols="2" editable="false" layout="ResponsiveGridLayout"

                title="" labelSpanL="3" labelSpanM="3" emptySpanL="4"

                emptySpanM="4" columnsL="1" columnsM="1">


                  <Label text="{i18n>detailSupplierCode}" />

                  <Text text="{Items>/0/Lifnr}" />

                  <Label text="{i18n>detailSupplierName}" />

                  <Text text="{Items>/0/Name1}" />







      <Table id="idItemTable" inset="false" mode="MultiSelect"




            <Label text="Item(s)"></Label>




          <Column minScreenWidth="Tablet" hAlign="Left">

            <Text text="{i18n>detailArticle}" />


          <Column minScreenWidth="Tablet" hAlign="Center">

            <Text text="{i18n>detailPONo}" />


          <Column minScreenWidth="Tablet" hAlign="Right">

            <Text text="{i18n>detailQtyRec}" />


          <Column minScreenWidth="Tablet" hAlign="Center">

            <Text text="{i18n>detailUom}" />


          <Column minScreenWidth="Tablet" hAlign="Right">

            <Text text="{i18n>detailQtyReturn}" />


          <Column minScreenWidth="Tablet" hAlign="Right">

            <Text text="{i18n>detailReturnReason}" />






              <ObjectIdentifier title="{Items>Matnr}" text="{Items>Maktx}" />

              <ObjectIdentifier title="{Items>Ebeln}" text="{Items>Ebelp}" />

              <Text text="{Items>Menge}" />

              <ObjectNumber number="" unit="{Items>Meins}" />

              <Input xmlns="sap.m" visible="true" placeholder="Enter Qty..."

                textAlign="Right" value="{Items>Menge1}"/>

              <ComboBox xmlns="sap.m" value="" placeholder="Reason..."

                selectedKey="{Items>Grund}" selectedItemId="" selectedItem="" change=""



                  <Item xmlns="sap.ui.core" text="Poor Quality" enabled="true"

                    textDirection="Inherit" key="0001">


                  <Item xmlns="sap.ui.core" text="Incomplete" enabled="true"

                    textDirection="Inherit" key="0002">


                  <Item xmlns="sap.ui.core" text="Damaged" enabled="true"

                    textDirection="Inherit" key="0003">










      <Toolbar xmlns="sap.m" active="false" design="Auto">

        <ToolbarSpacer />

        <Button xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailPost}" type="Default"

          icon="sap-icon://save" id="idPost" press="onPost">


        <Button xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailReset}" type="Default"

          icon="sap-icon://redo" id="idReset" press="onReset">




    <Dialog xmlns="sap.m" title="{i18n>detailPostTitle}" id="iddialogConfirmation"

      stretchOnPhone="true" visible="false">


        <VerticalLayout xmlns="sap.ui.layout">

          <Label xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailPostText}" />




        <Button xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailYes}" type="Accept"

          icon="sap-icon://accept" press="onPostSubmitButton" />



        <Button xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailNo}" type="Reject"

          icon="sap-icon://sys-cancel" press="onPostCancelButton" />



    <Dialog xmlns="sap.m" title="{i18n>detailResetTitle}" id="idresetConfirmation"

      stretchOnPhone="true" visible="false">


        <VerticalLayout xmlns="sap.ui.layout">

          <Label xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailResetText}" />




        <Button xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailYes}" type="Accept"

          icon="sap-icon://accept" press="onResetSubmitButton" />



        <Button xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailNo}" type="Reject"

          icon="sap-icon://sys-cancel" press="onResetCancelButton" />








        var fnSuccess = function(data) {

            var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel(data);

            detailView.getView().setModel(oModel, "Items");


        var fnError = function(data) {



        var params = "$expand=HeaderItemNP&$filter=Mblnr eq '" + oEvent.Mblnr + "' and Mjahr eq '" +  oEvent.Mjahr + "'";


                "/HeaderSet",params    , fnSuccess, fnError);


Former Member
0 Kudos

Here the navigation property id HeaderItemNP.

Data is coming in an array - Entityset


<mvc:View controllerName="cgiVendorReturn.view.Detail"

  xmlns:f="sap.ui.layout.form" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns:core="sap.ui.core"


  <Page showNavButton="{device>/isPhone}" navButtonPress="onNavBack"

    class="sapUiFioriObjectPage" title="{i18n>detailTitle}">


      <ObjectHeader title="{Items>/0/Mblnr}" tooltip="{i18n>detailArticleDoc}">


          <ObjectAttribute text="{Items>/0/Mjahr}" tooltip="{i18n>detailArticleDocYear}"/>

          <ObjectAttribute text="" />



      <IconTabBar select="" id="idIconTabBar">


          <IconTabFilter key="category"

            text="{i18n>detailIconTabFilterCategory}" icon="sap-icon://hint">


              <f:SimpleForm id="SimpleFormDisplay3541" minWidth="1024"

                maxContainerCols="2" editable="false" layout="ResponsiveGridLayout"

                title="" labelSpanL="3" labelSpanM="3" emptySpanL="4"

                emptySpanM="4" columnsL="1" columnsM="1">


                  <Label text="{i18n>detailPostingDate}" />




                      formatter:'cgiVendorReturn.util.Formatter.dateFormat'}" />

                  <Label text="{i18n>detailDocumentDate}" />




                      formatter:'cgiVendorReturn.util.Formatter.dateFormat'}" />

                  <Label text="{i18n>detailReferenceDoc}" />

                  <Text text="{Items>/0/Xblnr}" />

                  <Label text="{i18n>detailDocHeaderText}" />

                  <Text text="{Items>/0/Bktxt}" />





          <IconTabFilter key="supplier"

            text="{i18n>detailIconTabFilterSupplier}" icon="sap-icon://supplier">


              <f:SimpleForm id="SimpleFormDisplay354" minWidth="1024"

                maxContainerCols="2" editable="false" layout="ResponsiveGridLayout"

                title="" labelSpanL="3" labelSpanM="3" emptySpanL="4"

                emptySpanM="4" columnsL="1" columnsM="1">


                  <Label text="{i18n>detailSupplierCode}" />

                  <Text text="{Items>/0/Lifnr}" />

                  <Label text="{i18n>detailSupplierName}" />

                  <Text text="{Items>/0/Name1}" />







      <Table id="idItemTable" inset="false" mode="MultiSelect"




            <Label text="Item(s)"></Label>




          <Column minScreenWidth="Tablet" hAlign="Left">

            <Text text="{i18n>detailArticle}" />


          <Column minScreenWidth="Tablet" hAlign="Center">

            <Text text="{i18n>detailPONo}" />


          <Column minScreenWidth="Tablet" hAlign="Right">

            <Text text="{i18n>detailQtyRec}" />


          <Column minScreenWidth="Tablet" hAlign="Center">

            <Text text="{i18n>detailUom}" />


          <Column minScreenWidth="Tablet" hAlign="Right">

            <Text text="{i18n>detailQtyReturn}" />


          <Column minScreenWidth="Tablet" hAlign="Right">

            <Text text="{i18n>detailReturnReason}" />






              <ObjectIdentifier title="{Items>Matnr}" text="{Items>Maktx}" />

              <ObjectIdentifier title="{Items>Ebeln}" text="{Items>Ebelp}" />

              <Text text="{Items>Menge}" />

              <ObjectNumber number="" unit="{Items>Meins}" />

              <Input xmlns="sap.m" visible="true" placeholder="Enter Qty..."

                textAlign="Right" value="{Items>Menge1}"/>

              <ComboBox xmlns="sap.m" value="" placeholder="Reason..."

                selectedKey="{Items>Grund}" selectedItemId="" selectedItem="" change=""



                  <Item xmlns="sap.ui.core" text="Poor Quality" enabled="true"

                    textDirection="Inherit" key="0001">


                  <Item xmlns="sap.ui.core" text="Incomplete" enabled="true"

                    textDirection="Inherit" key="0002">


                  <Item xmlns="sap.ui.core" text="Damaged" enabled="true"

                    textDirection="Inherit" key="0003">










      <Toolbar xmlns="sap.m" active="false" design="Auto">

        <ToolbarSpacer />

        <Button xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailPost}" type="Default"

          icon="sap-icon://save" id="idPost" press="onPost">


        <Button xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailReset}" type="Default"

          icon="sap-icon://redo" id="idReset" press="onReset">




    <Dialog xmlns="sap.m" title="{i18n>detailPostTitle}" id="iddialogConfirmation"

      stretchOnPhone="true" visible="false">


        <VerticalLayout xmlns="sap.ui.layout">

          <Label xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailPostText}" />




        <Button xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailYes}" type="Accept"

          icon="sap-icon://accept" press="onPostSubmitButton" />



        <Button xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailNo}" type="Reject"

          icon="sap-icon://sys-cancel" press="onPostCancelButton" />



    <Dialog xmlns="sap.m" title="{i18n>detailResetTitle}" id="idresetConfirmation"

      stretchOnPhone="true" visible="false">


        <VerticalLayout xmlns="sap.ui.layout">

          <Label xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailResetText}" />




        <Button xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailYes}" type="Accept"

          icon="sap-icon://accept" press="onResetSubmitButton" />



        <Button xmlns="sap.m" text="{i18n>detailNo}" type="Reject"

          icon="sap-icon://sys-cancel" press="onResetCancelButton" />








        var fnSuccess = function(data) {

            var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel(data);

            detailView.getView().setModel(oModel, "Items");


        var fnError = function(data) {



        var params = "$expand=HeaderItemNP&$filter=Mblnr eq '" + oEvent.Mblnr + "' and Mjahr eq '" +  oEvent.Mjahr + "'";


                "/HeaderSet",params    , fnSuccess, fnError);



Former Member
0 Kudos

Did you come up with a solution to this problem?

I have an many to many relationship where I want to display a list, with a nested sub-list of the dependent entity:


Booking 1

----Item on Booking 1

----Item on Booking 2

Booking 2

----Item on Booking 3

----Item on Booking 4

I can acess the header entity (booking) attributes in the normal way : text="{BookingId}" etc, but for the Items I cannot access them. The Navigation property is called "ItemNav" and this is being called on the header list in the expand property:

<List id="bookingsList"


     path: '/Bookings',

     sorter: {

      path: 'Customer',

      descending: true,

      group: true


     groupHeaderFactory: '.getBookingGroupHeader',

     parameters : {expand:'ItemsNav'}


In this List I have a custom list item, which will hold another sub-list of TILES.

Did you resolve your one to many issue? how did you sepcify the property binding?

Thank you

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Did you find any solution to your specific use case?

Former Member
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Yes, see below - it all revolves around controls with have an "items" aggregation.

The list binding looks like this (as above):

<List id="bookingsList"


     path: '/Bookings',

     sorter: {

      path: 'FormattedCustomer',   

      descending: true,

      group: true


     groupHeaderFactory: '.getBookingGroupHeader',

     parameters : {expand:'Items'}


Then within the list I have custom list item, which has normal binding to Bookings attributes using the {bookingId} notation.

Then, as part of the content of the custom list item I have another control with an "items" aggregation, to which you can bind items="{Items}", and then attributes of these items are bound to the items of the booking:

<HeaderContainer id="tileContainer"







                            path: 'ItemType',

                            formatter : 'ccc.util.Formatter.itemTypeIcon'



                             path : 'Date',

                             formatter : 'ccc.util.Formatter.formatDate'


                        numberUnit="ID: {ItemId}"

                        title="{Type} : {Description}"



I hope this helps. Basically, if you want dynamic binding to an entityset you need to find a control which suits your purpose which has an items aggregation. Therefore if you are doing an expand on a binding, to bind to the expanded set you need a sub-control with items aggregation, like HeaderContainer above.

I hope this helps?