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Server's Security Certificate Windows 7

0 Kudos

User had this error exactly as per the Windows 10 discussion (Windows 10 Update 15 June 2016) except that they are on Windows 7 Pro.

SAP was working fine the previous night. As everything else looked OK, looked at Windows Updates that had recently been installed. There was only one and it was labelled KB3161608 installed that morning. Removed this update and rebooted. SAP Can now be logged into again.

As this is fairly recent, was wondering if anyone else may be getting this problem?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Yup I can confirm this, just spoke to a customer who was facing the same as you describe. Uninstalled KB3161608 and problem is solved.

0 Kudos

As Windows 7 is supported on V9 presumably this means SAP will have to release a fix for this now then?  Perhaps they can fix the Windows 10 issue at the same time.

Answers (6)

Answers (6)

Former Member
0 Kudos

I have done all of the server work adding the ciphers to server.xml and I have ONE workstation that can update and still access B1 but not any others.  Is there anything that needs to be done on the clients as well?

0 Kudos

Have you restart the sld service?

Kind regards

Former Member
0 Kudos

Yes, that is when the first client starting behaving, but no othes.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Stacy,

Which SBO version are you in,

According to SAP note, this only works for SBO9.1

And it seems like it is working on 9.1 Higher Patch level only.



0 Kudos

Hi i do this 2 minutes ago.

I only replace the "cipher" variable in the file.

This is the file from a SAP version 9.0


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>


  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more

  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with

  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.

  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0

  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with

  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

  limitations under the License.


<!-- Note:  A "Server" is not itself a "Container", so you may not

     define subcomponents such as "Valves" at this level.

     Documentation at /docs/config/server.html


<!-- Set to -1 to disable the shutdown port. -->

<Server port="-1" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">

    <!--APR library loader. Documentation at /docs/apr.html -->

    <Listener SSLEngine="off" className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener"/>

    <!--Initialize Jasper prior to webapps are loaded. Documentation at /docs/jasper-howto.html -->

    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener"/>

    <!-- Prevent memory leaks due to use of particular java/javax APIs-->

    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener"/>

    <!-- JMX Support for the Tomcat server. Documentation at /docs/non-existent.html -->

    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener"/>

    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener"/>

    <!-- Global JNDI resources

       Documentation at /docs/jndi-resources-howto.html



        <!-- Editable user database that can also be used by

         UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users


        <Resource auth="Container" description="User database that can be updated and saved" factory="org.apache.catalina.users.MemoryUserDatabaseFactory" name="UserDatabase" pathname="conf/tomcat-users.xml" type="org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase"/>


    <!-- A "Service" is a collection of one or more "Connectors" that share

       a single "Container" Note:  A "Service" is not itself a "Container",

       so you may not define subcomponents such as "Valves" at this level.

       Documentation at /docs/config/service.html


    <Service name="Catalina">

        <!--The connectors can use a shared executor, you can define one or more named thread pools-->


    <Executor name="tomcatThreadPool" namePrefix="catalina-exec-"

        maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="4"/>


        <!-- A "Connector" represents an endpoint by which requests are received

         and responses are returned. Documentation at :

         Java HTTP Connector: /docs/config/http.html (blocking & non-blocking)

         Java AJP  Connector: /docs/config/ajp.html

         APR (HTTP/AJP) Connector: /docs/apr.html

         Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080


        <!--<Connector port="8080" address="" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol" redirectPort="8443" scheme="http"

               secure="false" SSLEnabled="false" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"


        <!-- A "Connector" using the shared thread pool-->


    <Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool"

               port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"


               redirectPort="8443" />


        <!-- Define a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443

         This connector uses the JSSE configuration, when using APR, the

         connector should be using the OpenSSL style configuration

         described in the APR documentation -->

        <Connector ciphers="TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA" SSLEnabled="true" clientAuth="false" keystoreFile="C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\Common\sapjvm_6\jre\bin\keystore.p12" keystorePass="AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAAaD4Qly3DMkuhyClMO9GgggQAAAAOAAAASgBEAFAAQQBQAEkAAAADZgAAwAAAABAAAADKx+xtM9O+YLcXzspInt2sAAAAAASAAACgAAAAEAAAAJdQbC7kcNqEPdstLmlYCP8IAAAAASgn0VXrzmgUAAAAl67hr91++O1ITOLlRMD+Sce/Qvo=" keystoreType="PKCS12" maxThreads="150" port="30010" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.SLDHttp11Protocol" scheme="https" secure="true" sslProtocol="TLS"/>

        <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->


    <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />


        <!-- An Engine represents the entry point (within Catalina) that processes

         every request.  The Engine implementation for Tomcat stand alone

         analyzes the HTTP headers included with the request, and passes them

         on to the appropriate Host (virtual host).

         Documentation at /docs/config/engine.html -->

        <!-- You should set jvmRoute to support load-balancing via AJP ie :

    <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="jvm1">        


        <Engine defaultHost="localhost" name="Catalina">

            <!--For clustering, please take a look at documentation at:

          /docs/cluster-howto.html  (simple how to)

          /docs/config/cluster.html (reference documentation) -->


      <Cluster className="org.apache.catalina.ha.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster"/>


            <!-- The request dumper valve dumps useful debugging information about

           the request and response data received and sent by Tomcat.

           Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html -->


      <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RequestDumperValve"/>


            <!-- This Realm uses the UserDatabase configured in the global JNDI

           resources under the key "UserDatabase".  Any edits

           that are performed against this UserDatabase are immediately

           available for use by the Realm.  -->

            <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm" resourceName="UserDatabase"/>

            <!-- Define the default virtual host

           Note: XML Schema validation will not work with Xerces 2.2.


            <Host appBase="webapps" autoDeploy="false" deployOnStartup="false" name="localhost" unpackWARs="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false" xmlValidation="false">

                <Context docBase="sld" path="/sld">

                    <Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="" factory="org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.EncryptDataSourceFactory" maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000" name="sld" password="AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAAaD4Qly3DMkuhyClMO9GgggQAAAAOAAAASgBEAFAAQQBQAEkAAAADZgAAwAAAABAAAAB4fuvy4WnYc53TpZlstyNWAAAAAASAAACgAAAAEAAAAJRnU2XL5IoQrT6e9t1qIlIQAAAAoj8r0mULPWJHAN/Jp114ahQAAAAhbrQ041ZV6ksqLTyhZC/M7VHt7A==" type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="jdbc:sqlserver://SAP2\sapB1; DatabaseName=SLDModel.SLDData" username="AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAAaD4Qly3DMkuhyClMO9GgggQAAAAOAAAASgBEAFAAQQBQAEkAAAADZgAAwAAAABAAAAA6npiREcp+u4L1KhgzViWpAAAAAASAAACgAAAAEAAAADnbmXZyOEQQJxRFiQIKmjAIAAAA1REiLWShpeQUAAAA+xynm6HCg+FwJPFjBbJ+C7cFb08="/>

                    <Manager pathname=""/>


                <Context docBase="ControlCenter" path="/ControlCenter"/>

                <!-- SingleSignOn valve, share authentication between web applications

             Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html -->


        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn" />


                <!-- Access log processes all example.

             Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html -->


        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs" 

               prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt" pattern="common" resolveHosts="false"/>






Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Marco,

Thank you so much for testing it for me on SBO 9.0

Sadly, I have tried but still could not get it to work.

Must be something else that i am missing,

When I add the ciphers and restart the SLD, my SBO client complain that it can not find the SLD and prompt me for the License server address.

When I manually go to the SLD page, after log in it prompt me to make sure SLD is started.



0 Kudos

Hi Edy,

deinstall the SAP Servertools

delete the sld Database

delete the SAP Servertools directory

install the servertools again und put the ciphers variable into the server.xml file.

Kind regards


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Marco,

Done that, problem still persists.

Do you happen to use SQL Server 2014?

I am currently using SQL 2012.

I've done some digging and the issue boils down to the JRE 6 used by SBO9 SLD connecting to SQL Server prior to 2014 caused by the recent windows security update,.



0 Kudos

In my case is was a SQL Server 2012.

I have no new idea to your case

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thank you very much attending to me Marco..

I finally got my 2nd server up and running.

I would share my solution here

The culprit is really the JRE6 which comes with .SLD 9.0 which can not handle cipher security strength of more than 1024.

The latest windows security update, had just up the SQL server security strength to probably 2048.

Conclusion, I have 2 options to rectify this problem :

1. Option 1 : Install the 9.2 SLD. Which has JRE8. (I kept my server in 9.0 PL15)

2. Option 2 : Use 3rd party java library. follow this below steps

Java: Why does SSL handshake give &amp;#39;Could not generate DH keypair&amp;#39; exception? - Stack...

     a) Download these jars:

     b) move these jars to $JAVA_HOME/lib/ext

     c) edit $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/ as follows:           security.provider.1=org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider

     d) restart the SLD

In my case the JAVA_HOME folder points to

C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\Common\sapjvm_6\jre

Disclaimer : Since this is using a third party library, use this at your own risk.



0 Kudos

A majority of my users are connecting through Citrix which is running Server 2012 R2.  I had to uninstall Windows update KB3172614.  Once I took this out and rebooted server all users were able to connect using Citrix.

My internal users (local to the SAP server) had not been affected only my Citrix users.

Keith H

0 Kudos


this worked fine, i do this two times this day.

1. Back up the server.xml file (C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\System

Landscape Directory\tomcat\conf).

     2. Open server.xml in <tomcat>\conf

     3. Find element <Connector> in this xml.

     4. Change attribute sslEnabledProtocols value to "TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"

     5. Add attribute ciphers="TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,






     6. After update the xml file, please restart SLD service.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi ,

I did the same with the server.xml file but still having the same issue.

Do you have any idea?

Are you using  a self signed certificate for your SLD?

If you don't mind, can you paste  your modified connector part of this server.xml?

I would like to compare, or I can paste mine here.



0 Kudos

Hi Edy,

the file was in the folder 

C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\Common\tomcat\conf

there was a "common" between in my case.

or  C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\SystemLandscape Directory\tomcat\conf

file  server.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>


  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more

  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with

  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.

  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0

  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with

  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

  limitations under the License.

--><!-- Note:  A "Server" is not itself a "Container", so you may not

     define subcomponents such as "Valves" at this level.

     Documentation at /docs/config/server.html

--><Server port="-1" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">

    <!-- Security listener. Documentation at /docs/config/listeners.html

  <Listener className="" />


    <!--APR library loader. Documentation at /docs/apr.html -->

    <Listener SSLEngine="off" className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener"/>

    <!--Initialize Jasper prior to webapps are loaded. Documentation at /docs/jasper-howto.html -->

    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener"/>

    <!-- Prevent memory leaks due to use of particular java/javax APIs-->

    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener"/>

    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener"/>

    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.ThreadLocalLeakPreventionListener"/>

    <!-- Global JNDI resources

       Documentation at /docs/jndi-resources-howto.html



        <!-- Editable user database that can also be used by

         UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users


        <Resource auth="Container" description="User database that can be updated and saved" factory="org.apache.catalina.users.MemoryUserDatabaseFactory" name="UserDatabase" pathname="conf/tomcat-users.xml" type="org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase"/>


    <!-- A "Service" is a collection of one or more "Connectors" that share

       a single "Container" Note:  A "Service" is not itself a "Container",

       so you may not define subcomponents such as "Valves" at this level.

       Documentation at /docs/config/service.html


    <Service name="Catalina">

        <!--The connectors can use a shared executor, you can define one or more named thread pools-->


    <Executor name="tomcatThreadPool" namePrefix="catalina-exec-"

        maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="4"/>


        <!-- A "Connector" represents an endpoint by which requests are received

         and responses are returned. Documentation at :

         Java HTTP Connector: /docs/config/http.html (blocking & non-blocking)

         Java AJP  Connector: /docs/config/ajp.html

         APR (HTTP/AJP) Connector: /docs/apr.html

         Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080



    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"


               redirectPort="8443" />


        <!-- A "Connector" using the shared thread pool-->


    <Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool"

               port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"


               redirectPort="8443" />


        <!-- Define a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443

         This connector uses the JSSE configuration, when using APR, the

         connector should be using the OpenSSL style configuration

         described in the APR documentation -->

        <Connector ciphers="TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA" SSLEnabled="true" clientAuth="false" keystoreFile="C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\Common\sapjvm_8\jre\bin\keystore.p12" keystorePass="AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAAVL5psXnm/kS+vWiKR4pNsQQAAAAOAAAASgBEAFAAQQBQAEkAAAADZgAAwAAAABAAAACn8RI36rOy50Sv5Am3MikrAAAAAASAAACgAAAAEAAAAJ/zkxm+mExLprvWaVooyREIAAAAxmkRx2HGrqYUAAAAWaUgfkDVLlTxoP/lp0wvL8nH4xI=" keystoreType="PKCS12" maxThreads="150" port="30010" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.SLDHttp11Protocol" scheme="https" secure="true" sslEnabledProtocols="TLSv1,SSLv3,SSLv2Hello" sslProtocol="TLS"/>


    <Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"

               maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"

               clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />


        <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->


    <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />


        <!-- An Engine represents the entry point (within Catalina) that processes

         every request.  The Engine implementation for Tomcat stand alone

         analyzes the HTTP headers included with the request, and passes them

         on to the appropriate Host (virtual host).

         Documentation at /docs/config/engine.html -->

        <!-- You should set jvmRoute to support load-balancing via AJP ie :

    <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="jvm1">


        <Engine defaultHost="localhost" name="Catalina">

            <!--For clustering, please take a look at documentation at:

          /docs/cluster-howto.html  (simple how to)

          /docs/config/cluster.html (reference documentation) -->


      <Cluster className="org.apache.catalina.ha.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster"/>


            <!-- Use the LockOutRealm to prevent attempts to guess user passwords

           via a brute-force attack -->

            <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm">

                <!-- This Realm uses the UserDatabase configured in the global JNDI

             resources under the key "UserDatabase".  Any edits

             that are performed against this UserDatabase are immediately

             available for use by the Realm.  -->

                <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm" resourceName="UserDatabase"/>


            <Host appBase="webapps" autoDeploy="false" deployOnStartup="true" name="localhost" unpackWARs="false">

                <Context docBase="sld" path="/sld">

                    <Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="" factory="org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.EncryptDataSourceFactory" maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000" name="sld" password="AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAAmtbAl1SH30efoamWfZpIfQQAAAAOAAAASgBEAFAAQQBQAEkAAAADZgAAwAAAABAAAAAku2dby2oFovRdfH7P4xjVAAAAAASAAACgAAAAEAAAAEg1ISHHMfY51PDvdzzqAvUQAAAAlxC/EQ2buc4FIHVjs4+MwhQAAAC6vrLbF/lJGVAJ8vd46Q2sT0J1dQ==" type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="jdbc:sqlserver://NB-RAM; DatabaseName=SLDModel.SLDData" username="AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAAmtbAl1SH30efoamWfZpIfQQAAAAOAAAASgBEAFAAQQBQAEkAAAADZgAAwAAAABAAAAD8fJNwWPnBnkJ7lcRJQvP6AAAAAASAAACgAAAAEAAAAGg73AYr7yjUSHBLnXn1LnwIAAAAmHnT1pvh/kcUAAAANKpmAuGKwf+b2PpkEGpPFNQh3z4="/>

                    <Manager pathname=""/>


                <Context docBase="ControlCenter" path="/ControlCenter"/>

                <!-- SingleSignOn valve, share authentication between web applications

             Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html -->


        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn" />


                <!-- Access log processes all example.

             Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html

             Note: The pattern used is equivalent to using pattern="common" -->


        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs"

               prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt"

                             pattern="{&quot;FROM&quot;:&quot;%h&quot;, &quot;Timestamp&quot;:&quot;%t&quot;,&quot;Method&quot;: &quot;%m&quot;,&quot;URL&quot;:&quot;%U&quot;,&quot;Status&quot;:%s, &quot;Sent&quot;:&quot;%b&quot;, &quot;Elapse&quot;:%D}" />






0 Kudos

Hi Edy,

the file was in the folder 

C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\Common\tomcat\conf

there was a "common" between in my case.

or  C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\SystemLandscape Directory\tomcat\conf

In my case i dont need to do point 4

4. Change attribute sslEnabledProtocols value to "TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"

file  server.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>


  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more

  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with

  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.

  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0

  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with

  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

  limitations under the License.

--><!-- Note:  A "Server" is not itself a "Container", so you may not

     define subcomponents such as "Valves" at this level.

     Documentation at /docs/config/server.html

--><Server port="-1" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">

    <!-- Security listener. Documentation at /docs/config/listeners.html

  <Listener className="" />


    <!--APR library loader. Documentation at /docs/apr.html -->

    <Listener SSLEngine="off" className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener"/>

    <!--Initialize Jasper prior to webapps are loaded. Documentation at /docs/jasper-howto.html -->

    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener"/>

    <!-- Prevent memory leaks due to use of particular java/javax APIs-->

    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener"/>

    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener"/>

    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.ThreadLocalLeakPreventionListener"/>

    <!-- Global JNDI resources

       Documentation at /docs/jndi-resources-howto.html



        <!-- Editable user database that can also be used by

         UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users


        <Resource auth="Container" description="User database that can be updated and saved" factory="org.apache.catalina.users.MemoryUserDatabaseFactory" name="UserDatabase" pathname="conf/tomcat-users.xml" type="org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase"/>


    <!-- A "Service" is a collection of one or more "Connectors" that share

       a single "Container" Note:  A "Service" is not itself a "Container",

       so you may not define subcomponents such as "Valves" at this level.

       Documentation at /docs/config/service.html


    <Service name="Catalina">

        <!--The connectors can use a shared executor, you can define one or more named thread pools-->


    <Executor name="tomcatThreadPool" namePrefix="catalina-exec-"

        maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="4"/>


        <!-- A "Connector" represents an endpoint by which requests are received

         and responses are returned. Documentation at :

         Java HTTP Connector: /docs/config/http.html (blocking & non-blocking)

         Java AJP  Connector: /docs/config/ajp.html

         APR (HTTP/AJP) Connector: /docs/apr.html

         Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080



    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"


               redirectPort="8443" />


        <!-- A "Connector" using the shared thread pool-->


    <Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool"

               port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"


               redirectPort="8443" />


        <!-- Define a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443

         This connector uses the JSSE configuration, when using APR, the

         connector should be using the OpenSSL style configuration

         described in the APR documentation -->

        <Connector ciphers="TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA" SSLEnabled="true" clientAuth="false" keystoreFile="C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\Common\sapjvm_8\jre\bin\keystore.p12" keystorePass="AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAAVL5psXnm/kS+vWiKR4pNsQQAAAAOAAAASgBEAFAAQQBQAEkAAAADZgAAwAAAABAAAACn8RI36rOy50Sv5Am3MikrAAAAAASAAACgAAAAEAAAAJ/zkxm+mExLprvWaVooyREIAAAAxmkRx2HGrqYUAAAAWaUgfkDVLlTxoP/lp0wvL8nH4xI=" keystoreType="PKCS12" maxThreads="150" port="30010" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.SLDHttp11Protocol" scheme="https" secure="true" sslEnabledProtocols="TLSv1,SSLv3,SSLv2Hello" sslProtocol="TLS"/>


    <Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"

               maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"

               clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />


        <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->


    <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />


        <!-- An Engine represents the entry point (within Catalina) that processes

         every request.  The Engine implementation for Tomcat stand alone

         analyzes the HTTP headers included with the request, and passes them

         on to the appropriate Host (virtual host).

         Documentation at /docs/config/engine.html -->

        <!-- You should set jvmRoute to support load-balancing via AJP ie :

    <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="jvm1">


        <Engine defaultHost="localhost" name="Catalina">

            <!--For clustering, please take a look at documentation at:

          /docs/cluster-howto.html  (simple how to)

          /docs/config/cluster.html (reference documentation) -->


      <Cluster className="org.apache.catalina.ha.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster"/>


            <!-- Use the LockOutRealm to prevent attempts to guess user passwords

           via a brute-force attack -->

            <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm">

                <!-- This Realm uses the UserDatabase configured in the global JNDI

             resources under the key "UserDatabase".  Any edits

             that are performed against this UserDatabase are immediately

             available for use by the Realm.  -->

                <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm" resourceName="UserDatabase"/>


            <Host appBase="webapps" autoDeploy="false" deployOnStartup="true" name="localhost" unpackWARs="false">

                <Context docBase="sld" path="/sld">

                    <Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="" factory="org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.EncryptDataSourceFactory" maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000" name="sld" password="AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAAmtbAl1SH30efoamWfZpIfQQAAAAOAAAASgBEAFAAQQBQAEkAAAADZgAAwAAAABAAAAAku2dby2oFovRdfH7P4xjVAAAAAASAAACgAAAAEAAAAEg1ISHHMfY51PDvdzzqAvUQAAAAlxC/EQ2buc4FIHVjs4+MwhQAAAC6vrLbF/lJGVAJ8vd46Q2sT0J1dQ==" type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="jdbc:sqlserver://NB-RAM; DatabaseName=SLDModel.SLDData" username="AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAAmtbAl1SH30efoamWfZpIfQQAAAAOAAAASgBEAFAAQQBQAEkAAAADZgAAwAAAABAAAAD8fJNwWPnBnkJ7lcRJQvP6AAAAAASAAACgAAAAEAAAAGg73AYr7yjUSHBLnXn1LnwIAAAAmHnT1pvh/kcUAAAANKpmAuGKwf+b2PpkEGpPFNQh3z4="/>

                    <Manager pathname=""/>


                <Context docBase="ControlCenter" path="/ControlCenter"/>

                <!-- SingleSignOn valve, share authentication between web applications

             Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html -->


        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn" />


                <!-- Access log processes all example.

             Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html

             Note: The pattern used is equivalent to using pattern="common" -->


        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs"

               prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt"

                             pattern="{&quot;FROM&quot;:&quot;%h&quot;, &quot;Timestamp&quot;:&quot;%t&quot;,&quot;Method&quot;: &quot;%m&quot;,&quot;URL&quot;:&quot;%U&quot;,&quot;Status&quot;:%s, &quot;Sent&quot;:&quot;%b&quot;, &quot;Elapse&quot;:%D}" />






Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Marco,

Sadly, it doesn't work for me.

Just wondering what is your SBO version?

I see that you have SAP JVM_8

Mine is still SAP JVM_6.

Thank you anyway for your kind help.



0 Kudos

Have you restart the sld Service after you do the changes in the file?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Marco,

Yes I did,



0 Kudos

Hi Edy,

i did this 3 time on Win7. Which Versin of SAP B1 you installed?

Your last chance is to update SAP B1 to a verision 9.1 PL10 or higher

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Marco,

My affected version is SBO 9 PL15 running on Win 10.

This is my development machine, so I need this in case I need to support my client with the same version.

I have just tried to install SLD from SBO9.2 on this server.

The other component is still in SBO 9.0.

I can now start my sbo client, not sure if any problem will arise.

Anyone knows of any problem i might encounter ?

I know the Job service for mailer is a new component, I will test it out later and feed back here.


0 Kudos

I just had the same issue occur - I have Citrix running and none of my Citrix users could connect.  Server is WIndows Server 2012 R2.

Windows update was KB3172614 that caused my issue.

Former Member
0 Kudos

We were experiencing this same problem on our Windows 7 desktops and Windows Server 2008R2 environments.  SAP Note 2334025 - Windows Updates are causing issues in older versions of SAP Business One explains the issue, identifies the Windows Updates that cause the issue (for Windows 7 SP1 it is KB3161608), 2 possible workarounds, and 1 long term solution.  Here are the options as described in the note:

1. Upgrade B1 to version 9.2 (long term solution)

2. Uninstall Windows Update KB3151608 (short term workaround)

3. Modify server.xml file on your SLD server by completing the following (also considered a short term fix):

     1. Back up the server.xml file (C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\System

Landscape Directory\tomcat\conf).

     2. Open server.xml in <tomcat>\conf

     3. Find element <Connector> in this xml.

     4. Change attribute sslEnabledProtocols value to "TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"

     5. Add attribute ciphers="TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,






     6. After update the xml file, please restart SLD service.

     7. Then logon to SAP Business One or try the installation of SAP Business One Server again.

Upgrades take a significant amount of time for my company, so I chose to go with option #3 and modified the SLD's server.xml file.  All my systems now have the specific Windows Updates installed, but since I changed the server.xml file SAP is running as expected with no issues.

Hope this helps!

Heath Gardner